Giveaway from Tim Ferriss — "The Obstacle is the Way"
Hi All!

I hope you and yours are safe and sound.

Please fill out the below details, and my team of magic elves will pick 100 of you at random to receive a signed copy of Ryan Holiday's "The Obstacle is the Way."

To be eligible, the form must be submitted before 11:59 PM PT, this Tuesday, May 26th, 2020.

Stay safe, y'all!


P.S. Sorry, but no minors or minotaurs, void where prohibited, don't sue me for trying to do something nice, blah, blah, blah.

P.P.S. A special thank-you to Ryan for taking the time to sign all of these books. Please make sure to check out his work at, as well as my conversation with him from last month at
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